I have to admit, this whole quarantine thing is really bringing me to a place mentally that I haven't been to in years on top of giving me totally new anxieties. Every other hour I go from being okay to convinced I have or am going to catch this virus. All this during spring allergy season when my breathing is already sub-par? Ugh. And don't get me started on thinking about my friends and family at this time. It feel like everything is just so out of my control! And in a way, it is.
There are a few things I find comfort in during this time, however. Knowing I'm not the only one experiencing these overwhelming feelings of anxiety and depression. Reintroducing calming self care like yoga and meditation back into my daily routine. Cooking for and therefore caring for my boyfriend and his dad (I LOVE cooking in general, but cooking for the people I love is my absolute favorite). This time has allowed me to get creative with what's on hand knowing that a grocery store run isn't so easy to do. And while we may be stuck inside for who knows how long I refuse to let it stop us from enjoying every meal. When people turn 30 it usually goes one of two ways - they either have a mini crisis because they can't fathom that their 20's are over, or they are ready to take on adulthood by the horns. OK - maybe that is a bit of a generalization. A stereotype at best. But there is some truth to it! I recently turned 30 and I'd say I landed somewhere in the middle. I was SO excited to turn 30 (bye bye 20's) and didn't necessarily have a crisis but I made a lot of change happen (because who wants to waste their time doing things they don't care about anyway). I moved into a new apartment in a new neighborhood, quit my job to pursue my dreams, and decided to take better care of myself and my health. After all, I'm not getting younger.
I'm stretching and meditating *almost* daily. I'm being good about being less negative and having more gratitude in my life. I'm trying to sleep at least 7 hours a night. I've already cut back on/virtually eliminated gluten because it is inflammatory for me. I eat significantly less dairy because, well, same. I eat way more vegetables. And now I'm trying to really get some whole grain balance in there. Since being single, one of the biggest challenges I've faced is cooking for one. It's definitely changed the way I cook and shop for food. I feel like I am just now - over a year later - getting the hang of it.
I've come to really love meals that come together quickly and can be made as one serving just as easily as two or four servings. This flatbread is just that. Cooking just for you? Make one. Cooking for more? No problem! Make as many as you need with barely anymore effort. Last night I was out with some friends having drinks and buffalo chicken came up in conversation. Now, if you've been reading my blog for a while or know me IRL then you know I love buffalo chicken. So when we started to talk about our other friend's family and how they always have some sort of buffalo chicken food at family cookouts (sounds like my kind of family) it got me craving the good stuff.
Buffalo chicken and blue cheese is my weakness. The moment I see anything involving the two on a restaurant menu it's all over - no other option stands a chance to be ordered. In fact, I was vegetarian for 7 years (long, long ago) and the thing that made me stop was how badly I was craving buffalo wings! So when I had my most recent craving for the delicious combo I decided I was perfectly capable of satisfying my desires at home instead of going out to eat.
AuthorAli is a Brooklyn based blogger and Certified Health Coach with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, providing you with recipes to inspire you to cook more at home! She is a firm believer in knowing that eating healthy can be made easy and inexpensive if you simply know how to cook and understands that for the average person there needs to be balance between "healthy" and "unhealthy". Whether you are looking for easy weeknight recipes, delicious snacks, or want to try something new, Ali's recipes are easy to follow at all skill levels! For more info about Ali and her offerings, check out the About page. Categories